Green Policies
The Park Point Marina Inn is one of the most eco-friendly hotels in Duluth, Minnesota. Our goal is to be environmentally friendly in everything we do. We focus on green initiatives and policies that allow for sustainability and an eco-friendly hotel company. Our community and history are important to us and we are dedicated to the overall health of the environment around us in Duluth. We encourage all of our guests to leave no footprint behind, whenever possible, and to bring to our attention any new or innovative ideas that they feel will have a positive impact on our overall operations. We are always continuing our goal of maintaining our beautiful environment on Lake Superior, in Northern Minnesota, and the entire world.
Environmental Promise and Commitment
Since 2014, we have been awarded the prestigious TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence/Traveler’s Choice National Award every year and a TripAdvisor National GreenLeaders Award winner. Our resort is committed to ensuring that our operations are conducted in a responsible manner that assist in the sustainability of our special environment in which we are fortunate to live and work. We operate in a sensitive location right next to the Lake Superior Duluth Harbor and on one of the world’s largest freshwater sand spits. We support and practice a number of meaningful initiatives that help to preserve this wonderful environment for the enjoyment of our guests, local community, and our associates for generations to come. We have implemented various programs in the form of recycling, energy consumption, water conservation, water run-off, and material usage to reduce our environmental impact.

Our Green Initiatives & Policies

Our hotel has placed motion sensors in all of the public bathrooms to conserve energy. There are also motion sensors in all the public and guest hallways to reduce energy consumption. We use biodegradable coffee cups, plates and bowls at our Pantry Breakfast Buffet. We recycle in all departments and use some office products that are made from recycled materials. Our parking lot and roof rain runoff is designed to avoid running into Lake Superior in order to preserve its natural beauty and clarity.

Guest Rooms
Guest rooms contain informational signage for our towel and bedding changing procedures to reduce energy consumption. Our towel and bedding program encourage guests to participate with us to reduce washing and laundering unnecessary items. Our Black is the New Green program has been an overwhelming success in reducing linen waste and helping dramatically decrease our resort’s ecological footprint. Energy conservation sensors are in each room to automatically turn off lights and power to certain outlets to reduce energy when guests are not in the room. This reduces consumption beyond 30% when the room is not occupied. Energy efficient faucets, toilets, and shower heads reduce guest water consumption by a third. All guest rooms have computer-controlled air conditioners and heaters. Recyclable containers are also in each room so that aluminium, paper, and glass can be recycled through our hotel wide recycling program. Artwork provided by our local artists help to reduce shipping energy used and packing materials in the construction of the hotel.

Buying Local
By buying locally as much as we can, we maintain the business that holds an intellectual part of the distinctive character of Northeastern Minnesota. We reduce the environmental impact by requiring less transportation for our products. Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community and area and have a vested interest in its future. They share our commitment to its long-term well-being. By buying local, we are able to invest our dollars in the future of our community, local business, schools, families, non-profit organizations, and team members, while maintaining a healthy economic growth, and reducing our overall environmental impact on the land.